A night with Fame and Interest

Tonight I had some time to write personal messages and share opinions on topics I’ve been devouring lately, and one of them was about fame and interest. To be more specific, I wrote things I believe so deeply and consider important nowadays for practically keeping and excelling at any job, career, project or relationship.


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A night with Fame and Interest

Tonight I had some time to write personal messages and share opinions on topics I’ve been devouring lately, and one of them was about fame and interest. To be more specific, I wrote things I believe so deeply and consider important nowadays for practically keeping and excelling at any job, career, project or relationship. Some folks want to become famous in any way, but they don’t know why or what for. There are some other, however, who are great at meeting and connecting people but have no clear idea and plan to become that interesting personally that will help them advance at what they are doing – and I know this because, in certain cases, I’m still unclear. I’ve never seemed to be satisfied with past experiences and stories I’ve heard or lived, so I use to remind myself, “I’d better keep surprising myself with the knowledge and stories of people who puts fame to good use”. Because there’s always something great to learn from it.

The post I created after my reflection, which was written in Spanish (you actually can see it here), let me happy and smiling since, at the end, it let me understand that becoming famous and interesting at something is a skill we all need to master, somehow, starting now, to succeed in all areas of life and work. However, I found it’s also important to note that talking about fame shouldn’t be badly criticized as have happened before in few conversations I’ve had. Working in making our own fame and becoming that interesting person you dreamed to be is a feeling that we all, somewhere inside, feed constantly – and for sure, it is for good reasons. And most of those reasons are to share our max potential with others.

In the article, I shared a little bit about belonging and how stepping up to create spaces where people are welcomed to participate and cocreate is the beginning of the most interesting conversations nowadays. And from the moment you act on something that elevates your souls, satisfaction follows.

In case you can read in Spanish, these are 2 little pieces of the original article.

Y me sonrío un poco sobre esto porque con el tiempo aprendí, y sigo aprendiendo, cómo avanzamos y hacemos paz con los sueños al tomar medidas que son proactivas, o sea aprendemos a elevarnos con las buenas acciones. Llegar a ser famoso en algo o interesante en lo que a uno le apasiona comienza con un estilo de vida, comienza al reflexionar sobre los pasos que vamos llevando para ir luciendo como eso que aspiramos y nos trazamos ser. No se puede esperar por una una fama para darse a conocer con lo más bello de uno. No se puede servir en una bandeja de plata la personalidad, la esencia y las perspectivas del futuro que nos representa, y esperar que alguien abogue por uno así de la nada. Eso es un error. Generalmente, son nuestras contínuas acciones las que terminan poco a poco plasmando nuestras capacidades, aptitudes, aspiraciones, ambiciones y más en el mundo que nos ve; y por alguna parte hay que comenzar y ya ahí se abre el magneto que atraerá a quién deba atraer. Porque también sucede que nuestras acciones resultan en cosas diferentes a las pensadas. A veces nos sorprendemos demasiado de la vida y eso es algo de lo excitante; hagamos y actuemos para sorprendernos.

Pertenecer es una palabra poderosa. Cuando nosotros nos sentimos pertenecer en algo lo hacemos muy nuestro; lo mejoramos, lo cuidamos y lo lucimos con tanto orgullo que es cuando sin darnos cuenta atraemos a otros a ser parte de lo que hacemos. Y ¿sabes qué?, estamos en tiempos donde es imperativo sentirmos cómodos al abrirnos con nuestras maravillas para otros porque es allí donde se dan las oportunidades muchísimo mejor. Aprender a hacernos famosos al crear y participar en espacios para pertenecer es una habilidad realmente reconfortante que nos muestra que mucho alrededor de la fama también es positivo y bienvenido.

To read my whole article visit this link https://www.pecesitadorada.com/hazte-famoso-e-interesante-tu-mismo-justo-ahora-y-te-digo-por-que/

And as always, thanks for stopping by and feel free to connect with me.

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